CSR - Delivering Delight
As the engine of Delivering Delight is contribution, delighting the world means to us taking action to care for nature, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and uplifting others with our strengths. We plant trees, build homes and help train non profit organizations and worthy purposeful causes that, especially social enterprises and their communities.



Since every person consumes 7 trees a year,  paying to plant and protect 500 trees is a good start. We dedicate each tree to a newborn. We have 150 certificates (on recycled paper) left. If you wish that we dedicate it to your newborn, please click on “Plant a Tree” and fill the form.

Supported NGO: Beyond Social Services: Training the staff and volunteers with Delivering Delight Boot Camp and Leading With Values programs. Do you need our help? If you have training needs to delight and bond your staff and volunteers to lead with values, please contact us with your needs. Let us know what is the impact that you are looking for and how that will upgrade your ability to serve your causes. Mentoring: As part of APSS, we take part in helping fellow Associate member and aspiring speakers mentoring program. If you wish to be mentored please contact us.
Tree Certificate

Past events

Birthday program with Food From The Heart
22nd January 2018

We had initiated the birthday program as a JV with Food From the heart. With 35 volunteers and 10 sponsors we had organized birthday parties for a few years in 10 different kids homes every month.

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Building Homes With Tabetha in Cambodia
23rd January 2018

We had went twice to remote villages near Phnom Pen to sponsor and help nail the last nails to build homes for villagers.

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