Mission & Vision - Delivering Delight


Delighting the world, one person, one workplace at a time.


Delivering Delight is a way to live happier and fulfilling life while achieving superior results and making a difference. It is both a social message, a movement and the theme of our company.

Established in 2006, we are a strategic coaching, consulting and mentoring agency that evokes powerful experiences to help leaders create the future of their businesses through our suite of keynote talks and workshops based on years of scientific research and real life encounters.

Headquartered in Singapore, and with partners around the world, Delivering Delight is trusted by the world’s leading organisations and has inspired thousands of people globally. With a delighted client list, including; Dell-EMC, Lenovo, Credit Suisse, Marriott, MBS, UOB bank & Turkish Airlines, you are set for a delightful Keynote talk or Workshop.


To spread Delivering Delight concept to as many organizations in the world where leaders are empowered to deliver superior results by leading with values and purpose, and delight the world by combining head with hearts.


To have a more delightful and purposeful world where people tap on their inner delight and lead a value based happier life.


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